Issue 83 - February 2016

From the Assistant Editor:

While I tend to choose flip-flops over snow boots, I always appreciate the inherent quiet and peace that comes with winter. Everything moves a bit slower, and despite the daily grinds there is a sense of hibernation. It's during this time that I read more; I take more time to look at the light around me; I search out work from a wide variety of artists. I hope that this issue can provide you with some of the space and visual warmth that compliment these cold days.

Please enjoy the portfolios from Adam Ekberg, Tarrah Krajnak, and Bill Vaccaro, as well as Leo Hsu's review of Aunties: Seven Summers with Alevtina and Ludmila by Nadia Sablin. We have an open call for submissions, so if you have a body of work ready for publication send it our way! We love to see new work and connect with photographers. Take care and thank you for your interest and support.


Bree Lamb
Assistant Editor



The Life of Small Things by Adam Ekberg

The Life of Small Things by Adam Ekberg

The Magic Hedge by Bill Vaccaro

The Magic Hedge by Bill Vaccaro

Dark Messengers by Tarrah Krajnak

Dark Messengers by Tarrah Krajnak


Leo Hsu reviews Aunties: The Seven Summers of Alevtina and Ludmila by Nadia Sablin

Leo Hsu reviews Aunties: The Seven Summers of Alevtina and Ludmila by Nadia Sablin

Call for Work

Fraction is currently seeking portfolios to feature in upcoming issues. If you are a photographer with a cohesive body of work ready for publication online, submit here.

Send a link to the project you want to have considered. It must have more than 15 photographs.  A short statement will be required.  Facebook, Flickr and other image hosting sites will not be considered.  You must own your own domain.

Please use Fraction Submission 2016 in the subject line.